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Waivers of Safety & Liability

All students & participants must agree to the following upon registering for a class, workshop, or membership at Clay Parlor LLC:

Waivers and Safety for Ceramic Classes and Studio Use

  1. Students will follow all instructions by teacher

  2. Students will not load, unload or operate the kilns

  3. Long hair should be tied back

  4. Do not wear articles of clothing or jewelry that hang off the body.

  5. Closed footwear is required.

  6. All completed work must be picked up from Clay Parlor no later than 6 weeks after the student’s final class. Clay Parlor is not responsible for any work left longer than 6 weeks. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up their work.

Release of Liability

In connection with my involvement in ceramic classes, open studio, private events, and membership at Clay Parlor, I hereby release Clay Parlor LLC,  its agents, representatives, successors, or assignees, Clay Parlor management and employees, from all liabilities, actions, claims, damages, demands, costs, and expenses which I am now or in the future have against them, arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in art classes, including enroute to or from the program or its related events.


I understand that the waiver includes, but is not limited to, all injuries to me and or loss of injuries to any personal property. I also understand that this waiver includes, but is not limited to, any claims that are based on my alleged negligence or any other action or inaction of any of the above parties.

I also give Clay Parlor LLC permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of myself and/or my work for the general promotion of Clay Parlor and its programs.

By enrolling myself, a friend or family member, or minor of which I am a legal guardian, in classes, open studio, private events, and membership at Clay Parlor, I am acknowledging that I have read and understand the safety instructions and the liability waiver that have been outlined and shared with all pertinent parties involved.

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